Chiropractor Treatment for Pinched Nerve
Chiropractic therapy is considered to be an extremely helpful treatment that is used for treating pinched nerves that is generally caused because of bony impingement, tight muscles, herniated disc and bulging discs.
With the help of chiropractic treatment, you can relieve the pressure from nerve and it offers relief from the pinched nerve pain. Treatment is carried on by experienced and skilled chiropractors who will help you to relieve the pain by relaxing the muscles, re-positioning the bones and reducing pressures on nerves.
A pinched nerve is also known as the nerves that run along back vertebrae and this condition occurs when this nerve is constricted, compressed and stretched due to bone spurs, back injury, fall and other trauma to your spine. Chiropractic treatment of a pinched nerve depends on the severity of the condition when the extent of misalignment vertebrae is very serious. Spine misalignment can interrupt the ability of the nerve impulses from communicating with the organs, cells and tissues of the body that result in discomfort and pain, therefore it is very important to get chiropractic treatment for getting relief from pain arising due to pinched nerve.
Any nerves in your body can become pinched but the most common are the nerves located at the back and neck which is a result of turning or twisting of the body, standing with poor posture or walking. A pinched nerve is the misalignment or subluxation of the spine that causes nerve pressure and irritation generally leading to pain, numbness, soreness, burning sensation and tingling feeling in neck, back, shoulders and other parts of the body.
Chiropractic care is considered as the most effective treatment for a pinched nerve as it focuses on the spinal adjustments that promote healing. It also includes chiropractic manipulation that is used for addressing the causes of neck pain that has led to pinched nerve as it helps in reducing the constriction of nerve as well as relaxing the tight muscles in affected areas that are causing the pain and inflammation.
It is done through spinal adjustment in which the chiropractor makes use of his hands for applying direct pressure to pinched nerve. As there are different pressure points in the body, the chiropractor works by moving his hands in the precise directions.
Chiropractic treatment for a pinched nerve begins with medical history of the patient including the physical activity that has caused the back trauma. It also includes a combination of physical, spinal, neurological, orthopedic and kinesiological exams that are used for determining the location of pinched nerve. Diagnostic imaging and laboratory tests are also prescribed by the chiropractor for diagnosing the problem of pinched nerve after which spinal adjustments are made with the help of spinal pattern.
Spinal adjustments are the best way of treating pinched nerve that is caused due to tight muscles, subluxation or traumatic injury that helps you to get immediate relief from the pain and discomfort associated with this condition. It also helps in completely correcting the misalignment and also for enhancing joint and nerve function so that pinched nerve is healed completely. Contact JSG Chiropractic today for a consultation.