Slipped Disc

Chiropractor Treatment for Slipped Disc

There are a large number of people who suffer from a very common spinal injury commonly referred to as slipped disc as this condition can impinge on the nerve in spinal column and it can cause severe pain. There are different symptoms of this condition which includes loss of range of motion, excruciating pain and other adverse effects that can cause this excruciating pain.

It is a very difficult and painful condition that can be treated with the help of alternative treatments that helps in treating slipped disc and its symptoms. Chiropractic treatment for a slipped disc is an approach that helps in alleviating the symptoms of this condition.

Chiropractor treatment for slipped disc is considered as a nonsurgical. It is also known as herniated, ruptured and bulging discs. Slipped disc is caused due to different reasons like being overweight, physical injury, poor posture and too much stress on disc that causes the disc to herniate.

In majority of the cases, this condition is treated with rest, medication and gentle exercise but if everything fails then you will need to look for a chiropractor who will help you in treating this painful condition. This treatment can help you to relive pain as well as the symptoms arising from slipped disc.

The treatment plan of one patient varies from that of another as it is based on source of pain, specific symptoms and severity of pain that patient exhibits. It can offer natural pain relief from slipped disc that has different symptoms like neck pain, arm pain, leg pain, back pain, stiffness and tenderness of spine.

Chiropractors make use of low force approach for slipped disc treatment so that you can get complete relief from the painful spine condition. If slipped disc is diagnosed, then the chiropractors a JSG Chiropractic will make use of the low force techniques for gently manipulating the spine at site of slipped disc as it is the best way to get relief from painful symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments can provide pain relief from slipped disc with the use of these techniques as it also helps in controlling the signs and symptoms of this spine condition.

Chiropractic treatment for slipped disc is the best way to address the back pain as well as other slipped disc symptoms as it involves going through the patients’ medical history, a physical exam and performing neurological and orthopedic tests for assessing the extent of damage.

There are different issues that will be addressed by JSG Chiropractic as they will find out whether the reflexes are intact or not. It involves assessing whether the nerves are sending messages correctly or not which is done with the help of classic reflex test. Whether there are any signs of muscle wasting or loss of muscle strength will also be assessed by the chiropractor as well as looking for signs for loss of sensation along nerve path. It is the best way of determining the best course of action that will help the chiropractor to treat the condition in the most effective manner. Contact us today at JSG Chiropractic for a consultation.